
A long time ago, before the world we knew, there was nothing. Time didn’t exist. The past, present, and future were all existing at a single moment. And then, it wasn’t.Something changed.All at once, elements were being created. Worlds, stars and galaxies were rising into place through explosions and wonder. And among those, the first living beings were born.Beings who could create and destroy worlds around them with a wave of their hand.Some, if they would have met them, would have called them gods for their immense power.However, most of these gods did not crave power, for why did they need more power? Why would they need subjects to worship them? They were already eternal.That didn’t stop them from messing with the worlds around them.Aenar was first, finding a planet with potential and leaving a speck of his essence there, something that can multiply. He eventually forgot about the world for more exciting adventures. But the world didn’t forget him.That speck multiplied and evolved. It became creatures, monsters from the most horrifying nightmares, before being wiped out again, and again. It became dinosaurs, mammals, creatures you see around you today. It became you.

When Aenar eventually realised his mistake, it was too late for him to destroy what he had accidentally made. For these creatures were beautiful. He dubbed them ‘Humans’, because they always seemed to make random noises that sounded like that.However, due to Aenar's absence from the lives of these now dubbed ‘Humans’, they had no love, pride, or free will. They had slowly withered until there was only a few of them. And so, Aenar made a decision.He brought his sister’s help to the humans. Riena was able to give the humans love, beauty. However, she also gave them jealousy and hatred, for that is what comes with love.He convinced his other sister, Oelia to give them a place to reside after they die, and so she did, ruling over it to make sure the worthy had all the riches they would ever need, while the terrible were punished for all eternity.However, one of these gods was not happy with this relationship. Zoara saw these creatures as something she could control, and so, she used her strengths, the reason she was the queen of the gods, to bring them under her heel.She started creating deals with these humans. She would own them until they died, promising a end to their deal that would never be achievable.Until, she made a deal with the wrong human, thousands of years after humans were named.She made a deal… with me.

